What are the 7 most common interview questions and answers?


For those who are weak in Business English, I know how scary and daunting Job Interview Questions could be when it's in Pro-English! On the other hand, most of us are non-native speakers still learning English; indeed, it is truly a challenging Interview experience. So, already most of you are started thinking, "What are the 7 most common interview questions and answers?" I'm talking about.

This Newsletter explores the most common English interview questions that you are likely to encounter while your job interviews.

In this week's Newsletter 20, I'm going to present you an article about, "What are the 7 most common interview questions and answers?" based on my Interview Experience, English Knowledge, and Perspective.

Underneath each question I have asked above, I also included a short explanation of what the question means and how to give the best possible answer. 

There are also some useful examples to show what grammatical forms you can use for each answer.

Q1: Tell us a bit about yourself:

The foremost question you might face in every interview is, "Tell us a bit about yourself". It's most common and often well-known to every one of you. Isn't it? Well, mostly you will try to express your profile information shortly by showcasing your skills, work experience, and achievements you've made so far!

From my perspective, your self-introduction needs to be short and precise about your educational and professional history YTD. Perhaps you can write an answer combining three or four questions.

Well, I phrased this answer by using Past simple and Past Perfect Continuous Tense through the knowledge I've got from the Business English Course on italki a global language learning community that connects students and teachers for 1-on-1 online language lessons. italki is also passionate about allowing everyone to learn languages, in the most personalized and authentic way possible.

Q2: Why do you want to work for our company?

Most recruiters want to hear from the applicant is an ambitious pursuer who is enthusiastic about always learning new skills and passionate about the working industry. Phrasing a sentence like the above one may seem challenging. But, if you can let the interviewer know that you’re so good at your current job and you’re looking for a new opportunity that will challenge you to groom your career.

At the same time, it should not sound boastful. Experienced Professionals do good research about the company before the interview and impress the recruiter, with what they feel would be a great company to work for.

Sample answers:

Present simple: I am fascinated by this work profile and keen to build new skills!

Present continuous: I’m looking for a challenging environment that will develop me professionally.

Q3: What has been your greatest achievement?

This is the area to present your professionalism. Your recruitment manager wants to hear about what you have accomplished in your professional life. Perhaps mention academic achievements, Remarkable Projects you’ve worked on, Endorsements from previous employers, or moments of milestones in your professional career. Explain why it was so important to your company.

Sample answer:

Past simple: I lead a team of 7 designers for a global project my former employer had undertaken.

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