Free Worksheet and Checklist to prepare for your job interview!

 Free Worksheet and Checklist to prepare for your job interview!

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Like Zig Ziglar said, 

“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” 

By understanding a company’s needs, you can identify how you can help them in the job you’re seeking and demonstrate why you’re the best candidate for the position.

If it’s a sales job, you’ll want to show them how you can:

  • Increase sales, revenue, and profits

  • Secure new business while retaining existing customers
  • Ability to solve problems
  • Skill in helping the company save money on their technology needs
  • Make money
  • Save money
  • Save time
  • Make work easier
  • Solve a specific problem
  • Be more competitive
  • Build relationships / an image
  • Expand the business
  • Attract new customers
  • Retain existing customers
  • Who you are
  • What sets you apart from the other candidates
  • Can you solve a problem we have? (Remember, all jobs solve a problem)

  • Why you might not be the best fit for the job
  • Why you’re looking for a new job (Unemployed? Underemployed? Seeking a better opportunity, but why?)

If you’re applying for an information technology position, you’ll want to demonstrate:

In her book Resume Magic, author Susan Britton Whitcomb suggests job seekers target what she calls “employer buying motivators.” These include the company’s desire to:

Keep these in mind as you prepare for the interview.

It also helps to understand that the information an interviewer wants from you falls into a few broad categories:

Understanding that most interview questions will fall into these broad categories will also help you prepare for the interview.

Before your interview, ask for a list of the people you will be meeting with for the interview. Don’t be shy about this it’s a completely normal request. Be sure to ask for the spelling of each name. This will help you conduct your pre-interview research.

Not only will you want to research your interviewer(s) by Googling them and/or conducting a people search on LinkedIn and Glassdoor but you’ll also want to find out who you know in common so you can get advance insight into the interviewer and the hiring process.

Your research before the interview can also help you ask better questions in the interview. Remember a job interview is about “fit" but the “fit” from your perspective is as important as “fit” from the company’s point of view. The job interview is like a first date you want to see what you have in common and whether it’s worthwhile to continue to pursue a relationship or whether you should “see other people.”

If you are given a choice of times you would like to interview, consider your personal preferences such as: are you a morning person, or not and also the overall interview schedule. Generally, it’s best not to be the first person interviewed for a job. As with house hunting, the natural inclination is not to believe that the first candidate is the best one interviewers generally have a better idea of what they want and don’t want after conducting several interviews. 

The “Pre-Interview Worksheet and Checklist” is very important. Fill this out for each of your interviews. 

Don’t skip this step! 

Knowing this information can give you a competitive advantage over other (unprepared) candidates.

Fill out as much information as you can. The more you know about the company, the interviewer(s), and the job, the more confident you will be. 


YOU WILL GET A POP-UP WINDOW, subscribe with your email-ID, and receive your Free Worksheet & Checklist.

Check the Inbox / Spam box to receive the document. 

A successful LinkedIn profile gives readers a snapshot of who you are and how you can contribute to their organization. You must understand and be able to articulate and communicate what makes you exceptional and compelling. 

If you are looking to develop your LinkedIn profile that will lead to job opportunities, contacts from prospective employers and recruiters, and increased profile visibility online, check out my next article will be added here ASAP, How to Write A Strong LinkedIn Headline and About Section.

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