Healthy work life balance why cannot be achieved by employees and a psychological analysis to overcome this in COVID pandemic situation.


Why our society's mental health is facing the biggest challenges to achieve work-life balance, particularly the hyper during this COVID pandemic situation? Well, Work plays a significant role in all our lives. Let's deeply discuss this value-added topic and also much need of the time, Healthy work-life balance why cannot be achieved by employees and a psychological analysis to overcome this in COVID pandemic situation. 

Not only increasingly demanding work culture is the culprit behind all of this; There are a few more reasons why everyone literally failed to achieve it and end up with psychologists mostly in western countries, And it is not an easy task for all of us to achieve work-life balance in today's inevitable and challenging corporate world.

First let's understand how crucially, it can affect someone's life:

  • Working Long Hours Stupidly (Some Say Dedicatedly)
  • Unable to spend time with family and friends
  • Increased Stress and Hyperactivity 
  • Unable to Prioritize the time
  • Collapsed decision-making skills
  • Not Sleeping well due to overthinking only about work
  • Increased Selfishness in Workplace than before
  • Unable to take care in physical health
  • Uncontrollable anxiety for silly reasons only at home
  • Relationship colliding in social life
Perhaps anyone can avoid this barbaric situation if the solutions are taken during the signs of lack of work-life balance.

In this highly need of time, let me educate you, how can you able to balance your work-life in a potential way to live a happy, healthy lifestyle;

A healthy work-life balance 

If you can able to split your time 50/50 between work and leisure also feel fulfillment in both of the important areas of your life; There is nothing to worry about the career growth, financial freedom, a rich lifestyle, etc. You can Identify  a healthy work-life balance by these three blessings;

  1. Met your milestone at work and not have to worry about spending time with friends and hobbies;
  1. Enough time to properly sleep and eat well;
  1. Doesn't have thought of office when you're at home.

Psychologically Proven Solutions to achieve Work-Life Balance:

1. Take a Road Trip or Vacation Once in three months

Sometimes, truly unplugging means taking vacation time and shutting work completely off for a while. Whether your vacation consists of a one-day staycation or a two-week trip to Bali, it's important to take time off to physically and mentally recharge. 

According to the State of American Vacation 2018 study conducted by the U.S. Travel Association, 52% of employees reported having unused vacation days leftover at the end of the year. Employees are often worried that taking time off will disrupt the workflow, and they will be met with a backlog of work when they return. This fear should not restrict you from taking a much-needed break. 

"The truth is, there is no nobility in not taking well-deserved time away from work; the benefits of taking a day off far outweigh the downsides," said Chancey. "With proper planning, you can take time away without worrying about burdening your colleagues or contending with a huge workload when you return." 

2. Prioritize your healthy lifestyle

Your overall physical, emotional and mental health should be your main concern. If you struggle with anxiety or depression and think therapy would benefit you, fit those sessions into your schedule, even if you have to leave work early or ditch your evening spin class. 

If you are battling a chronic illness, don't be afraid to call in sick on rough days. Overworking yourself prevents you from getting better, possibly causing you to take more days off in the future. 

"Prioritizing your health first and foremost will make you a better employee and person," and "You will miss less work, and when you are there, you will be happier and more productive." 

Prioritizing your health doesn't have to consist of radical or extreme activities. It can be as simple as daily meditation or exercise. 

3. Converting your current job as your dream job

Although work is an expected societal norm, your career shouldn't be restrained. If you hate what you do, you aren't going to be happy, plain and simple. You don't need to love every aspect of your job, but it needs to be exciting enough that you don't dread getting out of bed every morning. 

I'm not recommending you to find a job that you are so passionate about you would do it for free. Just Make your current Job the same way what you love; "If your job is draining you, and you are finding it difficult to do the things you love outside of work, something is wrong," and Only in case "If You may be working in a toxic environment, for a toxic person, or doing a job that you truly don't love. If this is the case, it is time to find a new job."

4. Learn how to work smart and office politics 

Working for yourself does tend to require long hours and not much downtime, so invest in equipment that will support you.
That includes getting a comfortable chair, an ergonomic keyboard, a support stand for your laptop, etc.
An ergonomic assessment of your workspace is worth every cent.

Invest in the courses that teach you the new hacks, technologies that will adapt you to escape from long working hours; Learn smart working hacks, shortcuts to not only help you to finish your job early also gift you some most valuable time.

Often learn about the psychologies of people you work with also treat them appropriate; If you don't collide with their boundary you don't need to worry about the office politics;
Perhaps, you can be deal with the managers smartly if you learn how to handle people's emotions and productiveness.

5. Make time for yourself and your loved ones

While your job is important, it shouldn't be your entire life. You were an individual before taking this position, and you should prioritize the activities or hobbies that make you happy. Chancey said that achieving work-life balance requires deliberate action. 

"If you do not firmly plan for personal time, you will never have time to do other things outside of work," said Chancey. "No matter how hectic your schedule might be, you ultimately have control of your time and life." 

When planning time with your loved ones, create a calendar for romantic and family dates. It may seem weird to plan one-on-one time with someone you live with, but it will ensure that you spend quality time with them without work-life conflict. Just because work keeps you busy doesn't mean you should neglect personal relationships. 

"Realize that no one at your company is going to love you or appreciate you the way your loved ones do," and "Also [remember] that everyone is replaceable at work, and no matter how important you think your job is, the company will not miss a beat tomorrow if you are gone."

6. Manage your mind and mental health

When fear or self-doubt or anxiety creeps in, do some work on your mental health such as meditation or reading a business book. Alternatively, spend time with someone who will lift you up and support you.

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte and author of the book Chained to the Desk, explains that our autonomic nervous system includes two branches: the sympathetic nervous system (our body’s stress response) and the parasympathetic nervous system (our body’s rest and digest response). “The key is to find something that you can build into your life that will activate your parasympathetic nervous system,” says Robinson. 

Short, meditative exercises like deep breathing or grounding your senses in your present surroundings, are great places to start. The more you do these, the more you activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which “calms everything down, (and) not just at the moment,” says Robinson. “Over time you start to notice that in your life, your parasympathetic nervous system will start to trump your sympathetic nervous system.”

7. Be realistic at work 

At the end of each working day, perform a little self-analysis. Ask yourself what worked today, what didn’t, what went wrong, and how the issue can be fixed.

Remember there are thousands of businesses just like yours learning the same lessons every day. Don’t forget to tap into the valuable resources around you, your peers for help.

A lot of overachievers develop perfectionist tendencies at a young age when demands on their time are limited to school, hobbies, and maybe an after-school job. 

It’s easier to maintain that perfectionist habit as a kid, but as you grow up, life gets more complicated. As you climb the ladder at work and as your family grows, your responsibilities mushroom.

8. Prioritize your work and time 

Create a timeline of your activities. Specific computer programs can help with this, or you can customize your own Excel spreadsheet or Word table. Put dates across the top and activities down the side. Break each task into components.

Include family commitments such as holidays, birthday parties, etc. So don’t forget that you are unavailable for work on those days.

Invest in time-tracking tools. There are plenty of tools you can use to track everything from the frequency and duration of meetings to chasing and converting leads.

Time-tracking software allows you to quickly build an understanding of how long a particular task takes.

That way, you can effectively estimate how long your next work task will take.

9. Do what you love than what you like

Make time for something you love – other than work – and give it the time it deserves. It will energize and refresh you, and enable you to nurture the creative thought that is essential for every business owner.

Make quality time true quality time. By not reacting to the updates from work, you will develop a strong habit of resilience. “Resilient people feel a greater sense of control over their lives,” says Brooks, while reactive people have less control and are more prone to stress. 

If work is making you feel you don’t have quality time for your partner or friends, read related tips on realigning your work-life balance. They include scheduling time together, getting help with chores and childcare, and making every second count if you don’t have much spare time.

“When I talk about balance, not everything has to be the completion and achievement of a task, it also has to include self-care so that your body, mind, and soul are being refreshed,” says Puder-york.

10. Be Creative at the workspace and make technology work for you

Don’t try and be all things to all people. Focus on your strengths and outsource the others. If you’re not a whiz at accounts or graphic design, outsource them instead of wasting time.

  1. Urgent and important
  1. Important but not urgent
  1. Urgent but not important
  1. Neither urgent nor important.
Google is a great example of a business that encourages its employees' creativity. Google's 80/20 rule (or "Innovative Time Off") allows engineers to spend one day or 20% of their workweek. It can be on any project they choose, as long as it relates to their current job.

They are:

Even if you don't have the resources to implement a similar policy, you can still foster creativity. If your employees are interested in pursuing a certain project, look into ways of giving them time outside of working hours.

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You may have a to-do list with 50 tasks on it, so you need to prioritize those tasks into four categories.

Try to 'work smart, not long. This involves prioritizing - allowing yourself a certain amount of time per task - and trying not to get caught up in less productive activities such as unstructured meetings. 

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