Top 5 Signs Your Workplace is Toxic

What leads the Great Resignation mostly? 

Yes! It is a Toxic workplace! ðŸ¥´toxic workplace will lead an employee to quit his/her job, 10x more than compensation! I've read an article recently in MIT Sloan Management Review
In one of the studies that analyzed over 34 million employee profiles, these below mentioned four were the top predictors of resignation:

1/ Toxic workplace culture.
2/ Job insecurity and re-organization.
3/ High levels of innovation. (surprisingly)
4/ Failure to recognize performance.

Well, salary is also an important point; but, these four were the foremost stressful for any employee! Toxic cultures are 10x more likely than other factors in predicting resignation!

Over 20%, or 1 in 5 employees left because of toxic workplace cultures, the MIT study states this too.
The study looked deeper into what comprises a toxic workplace culture.

These were the Toxic Five:

1/ Disrespectful.
2/ Non-inclusive.
3/ Unethical.
4/ Cutthroat.
5/ Abusive.

Each of these five was further broken down into particular components:

1/ Disrespectful (lack of consideration, courtesy, and dignity for others).
2/ Non-inclusive (LGBTQ, disability, racial, age, gender inequities plus cronyism and nepotism, along with general non-inclusive culture).
3/ Unethical (behavior, dishonesty, lack of regulatory compliance).
4/ Cutthroat (backstabbing and ruthless competition).
5/ Abusive (bullying, harassment, and hostility).

Added to these, are some outcomes- the kickers:
When employees experience injustice in the workplace, their odds of suffering a major disease increase by 35% to 55% (including coronary disease, asthma, diabetes, and arthritis). Replacing an employee can cost twice the employee’s annual salary!

Employees list the following values as key: inclusive, respectful, ethical, collaborative, and free from abuse.

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